Hi guys, today I am going to analyze the development team of eloncity and give out specific information on selling ICO.
First of all, I would like to introduce you through the project, so you have not tracked the previous article known about the project.
What is Eloncity?
Eloncity is a model for the planning, constructing and operating community-based renewable microgrid, which means:
➢ Community-centric - the community members coordinate with each other to exchange energy and share energy equipment costs-benefits (e.g., solar PV, battery energy storage system (BESS), energy management system, and others) to access more reliable and cost-effective local energy supply, to maximize the utilization rates of the installed equipment for accelerated return-of-investment (ROI) and other benefits. The community-based approach uses the collective resources of the entire community to implement a project which might be too costly to be done on an individual basis or must rely on funding from a sponsor’s whose interests may not completely aligned with what deem important to the community.
➢ Renewable-based – use locally available renewable resources, such as solar or wind power, to produce electricity locally to fulfill the community energy needs.
➢ Microgrid – means that community energy system is designed to be capable of operating in island-mode AND grid-connect mode. Island-mode means that the community can operate on its own which the community energy needs are fulfilled by the energy produced locally in the community. The island-mode keep the community safe and operational during disaster or emergency events when the energy services from the main grid are disrupted. The grid-connect mode means that the community energy system is connected to the main-grid allowing the community to import energy from the main-grid to supplement the community-produced energy. In the connected mode, the community energy system can provide energy services to the main-grid when the main-grid is failing or does not sufficient localized energy supply to support the main-grid operation reliably. The grid-connect mode is important because it allows the community to leverage resources from the main-grid because it offers the opportunity for the community to generate revenue when the community provides energy services to the main-grid while allowing the community to import energy from the main-grid when it makes senses financially.
Eloncity model integrates advanced technologies, best practices and lessons learned to create a scalable and replicable design for unleashing the potential of the community-based renewable microgrid to attain an energy future safe, secure, healthy, sustainable and equitable, and more vibrant regenerative energy future. The Eloncity model builds upon four key pillars:
1. Decentralized renewable energy technology architecture, which comprises
● Blockchain technology platform that provides an open secured and distributed ledger for efficient recording of energy transactions and the sources of electricity generation in the community, renewable or fossil-fuel;
● Crypto utility token (Eloncity Token or ECT) facilitates local energy exchange and incentivize investment in the battery energy storage system (BESS) for storing newly harvested renewable energy, as well as creating an open global marketplace that enables communities around the world to access advanced renewable energy products and services;
● Intelligent networked BESS harmonizes local electricity supply-demand and flattens intermittent renewable generations into predictable, reliable and dispatchable renewable resources;
● Customer-sited and community-based renewable energy generators, coupled with intelligent networked BESS, in-front-the-meter BESS and behind-the-meter BESS, fulfill all or nearly all the local energy demands;
● Community DC switching power network(s) eliminates the congestion on the last-mile networks and allow energy to flow from any party (or parties) to any other parties. The costly AC power ancillary services are no longer needed while the shared BESS makes 24x7 renewable energy reliable and cost-effective, and
● DC appliances enable the community to use the renewable powers more efficiently by mitigating losses from repeated AC-DC-AC conversions.
2. Community development ensures the successful planning and implementing of the Eloncity model at five fundamental levels; (a) community adoption; (b) social application; (c) quantifiable salient impacts; (d) localized roadmap for step-by-step deployment and continued growths; (e) leverage lessons learned to hone processes for accelerated wide-scale replication of the Eloncity model.
3. Combined performance-based projects with revolving loans create an effective strategy for mobilizing the private market capitals for wide-scale deployment of the Eloncity model.
4. Collaborative and equitable regulatory framework facilitates leveled-field markets to mitigate imbalanced market powers to unleash market innovations, protect the energy consumers, and support local economies.
What is the vision of Eloncity?
AI Grid Foundation (Foundation), a non-profit organization based in Singapore and an advocate for employing decentralized renewable energy as possible pathway to address our energy challenges. We see an attainable energy future that is safer, cleaner, more profitable, more accessible to all. We believe the shared and consensus-based blockchain technology is vital for building the collaborative decentralized renewable energy future. We recognize that crypto utility token is an effective and efficient catalyst to create open, leveled and unified renewable energy marketplace for linking energy consumers with product and service providers around the world. We collaborate with global technology and financial partners, local governments and public agencies, communities, and advocacy groups, non-profit organization and other stakeholders to build a collective pathway to that future.
What are the advantages of the Eloncity model?
➢ Open and Secured Energy Transaction - The ECTP or blockchain platform provides an open, secured and distributed ledger for efficient recording of the transaction of energy services in the community in verifiable and immutable manner. The blockchain platform also enables Eloncity to establish an auditable record for tracking the sources of electricity generation in the community, whether it be renewable or fossil-fuel. The auditable tracking of electricity generation sources is critical for valuation of electricity based on generation sources and monitor the community’s progress toward the renewable GHG-free future. This feature facilitates a shared resource economy to maximize asset utilization rates and cost-effective access to decentralized renewable energy.
➢ Unified and Efficient Energy Marketplace - Eloncity Token facilitates an open market that enables communities around the world to exchange energy and shared-resources locally and also to access the unified network of global renewable energy products and solutions. Similarly, renewable product and service providers benefit from a more open market.
➢ Greater Reliability – The Eloncity provides greater energy service reliability through the decentralized energy architecture’s inherent design ability to anticipate, absorb, adapt to and rapidly recover from potentially disruptive events. The Eloncity design includes arrays or windmills locally, and intelligent networked BESS acting as an energy arbitrage for maintaining local electric service stability, flexibility and resilient energy supply during grid service disruptions and emergency events. The BESS, either behind-the-meter and front-of-the-meter, will power the entire community for the desired duration to ride through an emergency event, through the PV non-production periods, until the sun or wind becomes available again to energize the local renewable generators to recharge the BESS. Both technologically, BESS is a direct response to address the mismatch of electricity supply and demand at every level of the grid network and overcome risks of single point vulnerabilities inherent in the centralized grid architecture.
➢ Lower Costs – The Eloncity model is designed to lower Eloncity community energy expenditures over the project’s useful life. The energy expenditure savings are achieved by the combination of (a) Local DC grid network within each community, large appliances powered by DC electricity, together with targeted energy efficiency retrofits to lower overall energy losses and consumption, (b) Generate renewable energy locally to offset all or most of local electricity demands, (c) Flatten peak energy demands to minimize costly demand capacity charges, (d) Purchase centralized grid energy only during the period of lower cost (i.e., off-peak in constrained areas or excessive-generation in areas with utility-scale renewables), and (e) Provide ancillary services to the centralized grid to generate revenues. Economic savings is a fundamental feature of the Eloncity model, especially in addressing the mounting challenges with high energy cost which disproportionately burden the underserved communities.
➢ Increased Safety – The Eloncity’s renewable generation and BESS reduce or eliminate risks from the dependence on fossil fuel-based backup generators that are often not available in a disaster, have high safety risks of fire, explosions, gas poisoning, and are quite likely available for only the limited amount of time while gas/diesel is available. Eloncity will power the public safety facilities indefinitely in standalone mode with inexhaustible local renewable resources. The model proposes a direct response to address the unacceptable risks to public health and safety posed by the fossil fuel-based energy resources.
➢ Societal Benefits – Community-based renewable microgrid (CRM), based on the Eloncity Model, supplies daily non-GHG energy to power the community. The CRM provides energy security and community safety during the disaster and emergency events, as well as ongoing energy bill savings that allow the community to focus its budgets toward critical social programs. Additionally, CRM projects include targeted building energy efficiency retrofits that not only produce energy and financial savings but also make existing community facilities more comfortable and productive with the installation of more energy efficient equipment and building retro-commissioning. This mission is driven by how the Eloncity model is structured to unlock more than quantitative benefits through a decentralized energy system. The vision of Eloncity is also grounded in an energy future that is more equitable and poised for universal replication because of its intended qualitative and societal benefits. Beyond the metrics of a more efficient energy system, the decentralized energy system of the Eloncity model is designed specifically to advance the environmental, social and cultural values of its stakeholders.
➢ GHG Emissions Reduction – Eloncity will achieve significant GHG emission mitigation by (a) reducing GHG emission through targeted building energy efficiency to lower energy consumption, (b) replacing fossil fuel-based and nuclear-powered electricity generation with renewable electricity generation and (c) limiting the needs to operate fossil fuel-based peaker plants through flatten peak demands with load-shifting with combinations of energy storage and customer energy demand management. This feature addresses the concern for public health and environmental equity, especially for disadvantaged communities.
➢ Adaptation – Eloncity’s decentralized energy system provides the community with increasing energy security and resilience for adapting to any potential climate-induced, other natural or human-made disasters. The Eloncity’s decentralized and redundant local renewable generations with intelligent networked BESS will continuously power the community during emergency events when the centralized grid services are disrupted. The ability to safeguard the community and resilient energy infrastructure remains a dire need that is the embedded in the DNA of the Eloncity Model.
➢ Low-emission Vehicles/ Transportation – The Eloncity power system and blockchain architectures include an advanced energy management system, local renewable power generation, an intelligent networked BESS, electric vehicle (EV) to grid connection, and roaming EV charging to support the electrification of transportation. With the communal value-added benefits that EV and V2G technologies, the Eloncity model advances public safety, health, and lower transportation cost.
➢ Economic Development – Eloncity will produce energy locally for consumption. Significant energy expenditures will be retained locally to support the local economy. Eloncity projects will directly support local clean energy employment that will provide human resources to support the Eloncity project planning, design, build and operation. Moreover, Eloncity pushes the technological and business model advancement to create a new generation of Adaptive Community Renewable Microgrid to provide energy security and safety to communities in disaster-prone areas. The Eloncity pilot project will provide appraisal data, a holistic framework, pragmatic tools, standardized approaches, and defined methodologies for replicating the Eloncity model in targeted areas. Thus, Eloncity provides not only energy security and community safety, but it also holds significant potential for economic development through the Eloncity model; a model where local communities are empowered to expand the local capacity and workforce.
➢ Environmental Benefits and Public Health – As discussed in the above paragraphs on “Increasing Safety” and “GHG Emission Reduction”, Eloncity will maximize the synergies of targeted energy efficiency retrofits, decentralized renewable generation, energy storage and other behind-the-meter resources to lessen the reliance on dirty fossil fuel-based or nuclear powered electricity, reduce or eliminate risks from the dependence on fossil fuel-based backup generators that are often not available in a disaster, have high safety risks of fire, explosions, and gas poisoning

Andy Li, Founder Andy previously led ChinaCache to build the content distribution network (CDN) Internet infrastructure. CDN is analogous to the networks of decentralized energy resources on the energy infrastructure. Andy also led Alibaba Cloud Computing Data Center Architecture team to pioneer the application of direct current (DC) power system for mega data centers in Asia. Additionally, Andy mastered the network traffic engineering at Cisco System. His work helped to realize the system intelligence at the edge of the network, which is significantly superior to the traditional core distribution networks. Since 2014, Andy has been leading POMCube Inc. to develop intelligent networked battery energy storage systems (“BESS”). POMCube Inc. will be one of the Foundation’s technology partners in implementing the pilot Eloncity Model microgrids to demonstrate the open standard ECTP.

Michael Nguyen, VP of Program Development Mike’s 30-year career spans across multiple industries; from non-profits, advanced energy programs and policy to IT research and development, to international manufacturing operation and markets development. Mike holds 17 patents and four industry awards for technology innovation. Over the last seven years, Mike’s work focused on California’s ambitious energy programs and policies. His work focused on working with ratepayers and environmental advocacy groups, utilities, technology companies, research institutions and federal agencies to develop performance-based and customer-driven energy programs. He has worked with key stakeholders including California Energy Commission and Public Utility Commission.
Gregary Liu, Marketing Director, Americas
Gregary has 11+ years experience in server system solution architecture and product development. He served as Lead OCP/OCS/OPEN19 design requirements for Mega-Datacenter. He holds an MBA in Management of Technology, National Chiao Tung University; B.S. in Physics, National Taiwan University.

Justin Wang, Product Manager. Justin served as Lead Architect for iCAN, NetZero, Architect, Modular Data Center, Smart3Technology. Furthermore, he was Sr. ME, Emerson Network Power, Xian, China.

Dunping Yao, Hardware Engineering Manager. Dunping has 6 years experience in BMS hardware design. Other work includes being a Research Assistant, VRB charging technology for two years at INET (Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology) of Tsinghua University.

Allen Ding, Eloncity Project Manager. Allen has 9 years experience in electronic design, and he is expert in magnetic device design and power topology. Allen received his B.S. Mechanical Engineering degree from Nanhua University.

Peng Xu, Software Engineering Manager. Peng has 10+ years experience in software development, architecture design, and data analysis; he’s also a NetZero Software Architect, and helped develop POMCube web service system, built and maintained Foxconn e-commerce website
Today i will talk about TOKEN DISTRUBUTION

Volume: 1,000,000,000 ECT Finite amount of ECT created. No inflation.
Maximum token amount for contribution: 32%
Mining for stored renewables: 32%
Team: 7.5%
ELONCITYLab: 14.5%
Marketing: 14%
Soft cap: $10,000,000.
Hard cap: $33,000,000.
Hard cap: $33,000,000.
ABOUT Private contribution : $19,000,000 (Open)
Vesting period: 9-months locking position with 10% of token released at the same time as the main token release (six (6) weeks after the completion of the main contribution). Thereafter, 10% token released per month in 9 consecutive phases.
1 USD = 9.8 ECT (Only ETH and BTC are accepted, Value will be pegged to USD listed on the coinmarketcap on the day of the contribution. Contribution starts from $200,000 USD and maxed out at $600,000 USD, 15% off discount applied).
so let's join eloncity right now ,good luck to you,i beleive krypital team,because their team is very strong and professional,If you have known their projects like arcblock, merculet, ergetia, they have sold out all the tokens in less than 30 minutes, then I think the eloncity is the same so join as soon as possible.
Ticker: ECT
Token type: ERC20
ICO Token Price: 1 ECT = 0.12 USD
Fundraising Goal: 33,000,000 USD
Total Tokens: 1,000,000,000
Available for Token Sale: 32%
Ticker: ECT
Token type: ERC20
ICO Token Price: 1 ECT = 0.12 USD
Fundraising Goal: 33,000,000 USD
Total Tokens: 1,000,000,000
Available for Token Sale: 32%

If you compare the elongation with other cards like wepower, NAD Grid, Powerledger, energo, our ELONCITY exceeds others
Website: http://www.eloncity.io
whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dkUNgo1_m4X4gf96rfnwEIN-W4P5HB9c/view
Krypital Bounty Group: https://t.me/KrypitalBounty
Eloncity Group: https://t.me/Eloncity
Krypital News: https://t.me/KrypitalNews
Medium: https://medium.com/eloncity
Telegram: https://t.me/Eloncity
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Eloncity
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Eloncity_io
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eloncity/
Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4443361
whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dkUNgo1_m4X4gf96rfnwEIN-W4P5HB9c/view
Krypital Bounty Group: https://t.me/KrypitalBounty
Eloncity Group: https://t.me/Eloncity
Krypital News: https://t.me/KrypitalNews
Medium: https://medium.com/eloncity
Telegram: https://t.me/Eloncity
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Eloncity
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Eloncity_io
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eloncity/
Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4443361
My unique identification link: http://eloncity.io/?utm_source=Content&utm_medium=Bounty&utm_campaign=B000055
Bitcointalk URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1704629
Bitcointalk URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1704629
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